Big Brother All-Stars Recap: Did the Right Houseguest Go Home in Week 2?

It has been a rough, tearful week for Big Brother‘s Nicole Anthony and David Alexander. And things got a lot rougher for one of them on Thursday’s episode. Having quickly been targeted by Head of Household Memphis, both Nicole and David fell short of winning the Power of Veto (POV) earlier this week. And when POV winner Memphis opted to leave his own nominations in place, he ensured that one of the Big Brother 21 alumni would be walking out the door on Thursday.

Nicole and David are now left to campaign for themselves before eviction night. And yet, every time they find an ally, they seem all too eager to push those people away. When DaVonne tells David she wants to protect him from going home, he tells her to take it down a notch, theorizing that future Heads of Household will come after David and DaVonne at the same time if they suspect those two are working together.

But perhaps the most convoluted miscommunication is that between Nicole, Kaysar, and Janelle. As you might remember from Sunday’s episode, Kaysar and Janelle tried to stop Memphis from nominating Nicole, and later tried to get him to backdoor the season’s other Nicole. But Memphis, naturally, sided with his own alliance and made his own nomination decision.

Then, in the days leading up to the eviction, Nicole starts to worry that Janelle is actually a liability for her own game, and she starts to believe the members of Memphis’ alliance when they tell her Janelle is merely stringing her along.

Meanwhile, Janelle privately sobs to Kaysar that she feels responsible for Nicole being up on the block, while Kaysar tries to assure her they did all they could to help Nicole this week. When it comes time for the pre-eviction speeches, it is not Janelle that Nicole targets with her words, but Memphis. But the last-ditch effort is not enough to get Nicole the votes she needs.

Nicole is evicted by a vote of 10-2, with Kevin and Enzo as the only votes to keep her. And though Nicole immediately admits to Julie Chen Moonves that she was wrong not to trust Janelle, it is not until she sees her goodbye messages from Janelle and Kaysar that the reality of her misguided gameplay seems to hit her. After Nicole is ousted, it is time for the next Head of Household competition, with Memphis ineligible to compete after his reign.

In this competition, houseguests are faced with three long countertops with numbers on them. They must slide glasses of beer down each counter, hoping to land them on the highest possible number on each counter. The houseguest with the highest cumulative point total will win. Though Enzo holds the lead for a while with 8 points, he is eventually taken over by Ian with 10 points, and ultimately beaten by Tyler, who wins the competition with 12 points. Janelle came deliciously close to the win with 11 points of her own, but with Tyler now in power, it looks like another long week could be ahead for Janelle and Kaysar.

After months of rumors, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) verified that Big Brother 22 would include all returning gamers for the very first time in almost 15 years.

After the statement, CBS claimed viewers could meet the cast a week prior to the premiere on the Live Feeds. CBS delayed the cast reveal for unidentified reasons, and fans discovered who would contend on the season live. Janelle Pierzina, Kaysar Ridha, Dani Donato Briones, Memphis Garrett, Keesha Smith, Kevin Campbell, Enzo Palumbo, Ian Terry, Cody Calafiore, DaVonne Rogers, Nicole Franzel, Christmas Abbott, Bayleigh Dayton, Tyler Crispen, David Alexander, and Nicole Anthony contended in the first Big Brother 22 Head of Household instantly after going into the home.

Immediately after going into the Big Brother house, the all-stars had to compete against each other in the first Head of Household. Cody triumphed, won the very first Big Brother 22 Head of Household competition, and made his nominations the following day. On Day 4, the Head of Household, his 2 candidates, and 3 randomly chosen houseguests competed in the season’s first POV.

Cody easily won the physical challenge, making the personal bed room for the week. Furthermore, Ian, Kevin, and Nicole ended up being Have-Nots by arbitrarily drawing an envelope after the Head of Household competition. Cody chose Keesha and Kevin. The following day, Cody spoke to Nicole, and they called each other their “ride or die” in the game.

Kaysar won the Safety Suite and chose his longstanding ally as his “plus one” to save, thwarting the Head of Household’s strategies.

Kaysar decided to choose Kevin as a pawn with Keesha as his target since the two had not had any discussions. Even so, Cody asked a few people not to utilize the veto if they won and still prepares on sending Keesha home. After the election ceremony, Kevin spoke to Cody, and the Head of Household informed him he had no intention of kicking out the old schooler.

Kevin likewise talked with Keesha, who broke down into tears after he chose her, and the two had a long conversation about their lives, which enabled him to learn more about her much better. Kevin drew the houseguests’ option ball and chose Enzo, making Keesha the only female competing. After two-and-a-half hours, the feeds returned with Enzo happily wearing the POV locket.

On Day 4, the all-stars played their very first POV. DaVonne hosted it with the Head of Household and the nominees playing in addition to Tyler and Ian who were randomly picked. Big Brother 22 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS. Enzo has actually currently locked in a last 2 with Cody and promised he would not utilize the POV. Therefore, it presently looks like Keesha will become the season’s first boot.

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