Ray Fisher Refutes ‘Desperate’ Claim He’s Not Cooperating in Justice League Investigation

Ray Fisher calls Warner Bros’ allegation a desperate and scattershot attempt to discredit him. Fisher questions the independence of the investigator. Fisher has definitely been put on the case by Warner Bros. Pictures not Warner Media. Fisher refused to cooperate with their investigation into his “Justice League” claims. Fisher had to end the interview early before going into detail with the investigator.

Warner Bros. claims that Fisher did not cooperate with their investigation. Fisher addressed his concerns with the call and appeared to be making steps toward continuing with the investigation. Fisher also shade his intention to vet the investigator to ensure they were truly an independent and outside source, not someone paid by Warner Bros. to support their agenda with their findings.

Warner Bros. claimed that Fisher has been refusing to cooperate with its ongoing investigation into his claims. In July 2020, Fisher’s representatives asked DC Films President Walter Hamada to talk to Fisher about his concerns during the production of “Justice League”. The two had previously spoken when Hamada asked Fisher to reprise his role as Cyborg in Warner Bros.’ upcoming Flash movie, together with other members of the “Justice League”.

In their July 2020 conversation, Ray Fisher recounted disagreements he had with the film’s creative team regarding his portrayal of Cyborg, and complained that his suggested script revisions were not adopted.

Hamada explained that creative differences are a normal part of the production process, and that a film’s writer/director ultimately has to be in charge of these matters. Notably, Hamada also told Fisher that he would elevate his concerns to WarnerMedia so they could conduct an investigation. At no time did Hamada ever throw anyone under the bus, as Fisher has claimed, or render any judgments about the “Justice League” production, in which he had no involvement, since filming occurred before he was elevated to his current position.

While Fisher never alleged any actionable misconduct against Hamada, WarnerMedia nonetheless initiated an investigation into the concerns he had raised about his character’s portrayal. Still not satisfied, Fisher insisted that WarnerMedia hire an independent third party investigator. This investigator has attempted multiple times to meet with Fisher to discuss his concerns but, to date, he has declined to speak to the investigator.

Warner Bros. remains committed to accountability and to the well-being of every cast and crew member on each of its productions. Warner Bros. also remains committed to investigating any specific and credible allegation of misconduct, which thus far Fisher has failed to provide. Not addressed are Fisher’s specific allegations against Joss Whedon, who was brought in midway through the production of “Justice League” to complete the film.

On July 1st 2020, Ray Fisher tweeted allegations of Whedon’s abusive conduct on set.

Whedon’s on-set treatment of the cast and crew of “Justice League” was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable. Whedon was enabled, in many ways, by Geoff Johns and Jon Berg. According to a tweet by Fisher, he received a phone call from Hamada, wherein Hamada attempted to throw Whedon and Berg under the bus in hopes that Fisher would relent on Johns.

Fisher will not. It was this tweet on social media that sparked the response from Warner, which explicitly denied that Hamada threw anyone under the bus, and claimed that Fisher’s grievances were about his character’s portrayal in the film. Also worth nothing from Warner’s statement is that they agree Hamada said Fisher’s concerns would be elevated to WarnerMedia, who subsequently launched an investigation.

And yet, according to Fisher’s latest tweets on the matter, he believed the investigator he spoke to was reporting to Warner Bros. Pictures and not the higher WarnerMedia, thus he questions their objectivity and true independent status. Meanwhile, Fisher’s role in “Justice League” is expected to be expanded and re-envisioned in the upcoming “Snyder Cut” mini-series of the original film, slated for HBO Max. Original director Zack Snyder has returned to the film he started and is recutting the entire thing to better suit his original vision.

In describing the film in 2016, before his daughter’s death forced him to step away, Snyder described Ray Fisher’s Cyborg as the heart of the movie.

That was not so much the case in Whedon’s version of the film. “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” will be released as a four-part mini-series, with each chapter clocking in at an hour long. It is currently slated for release on HBO Max sometime in 2021.

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